
Posts Tagged ‘doctor who’

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!

“Will Jack Davenport be the new Doctor Who?”

I’m very sorry, dear Whosians; I understand that you want to know, but I don’t have the foggiest. I don’t know it. I sort of kind of like the idea of Jack Davenport as Doctor Who, but I really can’t help you.  Please don’t send me further mails with inquiries. I’m just a pixel juggler; I don’t have a red phone on the desk with a direct line to Sparky Davenport or his agent. And if some person on some message board claims to know for certain who’ll be No. 11, said person is talking right out of the place where the sun never shines but the winds always blows.


Next item on the agenda of internet rumours:

“Will Norrington return in PotC4?”

Again: I have no idea. If there should be a fourth movie in the franchise (1- 3 made shiploads of money, so it’s likely), sky’s the limit. And who knows, maybe there will even be a script this time…

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